I've always believed in honoring those we love, especially our parents. My friend Juli does too. I had read her praise of her father on her social media and I asked her to share it here in my Tributes section of my blog. And here, is a quilt that Juli made from all of her father's ties that she had inherited upon his passing. What a great tribute and momento.

My Hero
You may have a hero, I do too.
Yours may be the soldier who serves our country and protects our freedom.
Mine is the man who taught me to vote; who taught me to respect the flag. He taught me to stand for the anthem and cover my heart when I pledge. He taught me to love a parade and the fourth of July. But he also taught me that America is great but Heaven is greater.
He's my hero.
You may have a hero, I do too. Yours may be a politican, a President, the doctors and nurses, police and firemen. Mine is the man who taught me to respect the law. Who showed me my vote does matter and always value it and the ones who died so I can have that privilege; who taught me that the police are our friends and that volunteering for the fire department will bring a lifetime of happy memories. He taught me that the best medicine is a man willing to hold his daughter's hair back while she throws up and rubs her back. Who wasn't afraid to bandage a wound or pull off a tick. But he also taught me that The One who is the true Healer is The Great Physician.
He's my hero.
You may have a hero, I do too. Yours may be a millionaire or CEO or lawyer or business owner. Mine is the man who got up everyday to go to work so that I could have a better life. Piano lessons. Braces. Christian school. He made sure we had them. It's the man who faithfully invested his treasure in Heaven instead of earthly pleasures. The one who taught me that hard work is its own reward and always do the job to the best of my ability. The one who sacrificed years he could have spent in retirement so his wife could have the medicine she needed. He could have been very wealthy here on earth. Instead, he has massive treasure in Heaven. He also taught me to be a cheerful giver of my offerings; do all things as unto the Lord because I will answer to Him one day.
He's my hero.
You may have a hero, I do too. Yours may be a pastor or evangelist.
Mine is the man who every single day of his life, pointed me to Jesus. Who told me every morning when we talked that he was going to hang up, read his Bible and pray for me and so many others; who gave me beautiful truths he learned from God's Word; who faithfully shared Jesus with everyone he met and some people he never met; who supported many missionaries throughout the years and had the biggest heart for spreading the gospel. A man who didn't just study the Bible but also lived it. A Sunday School teacher, deacon and layman who didn't sacrifice his family time but nurtured us. He has an incredible legacy of daughters, grandchildren and now great grandchildren who are followers of Christ. He has a name that is respected and loved. And he taught me that a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.
He's my hero.
He's my dad.
Julianne Witmer