This restaurant is located off of Sugarloaf Parkway and Satellite Blvd in Duluth

That man in the collar is not a priest. He's the General Manager of the restaurant and he told us that he recently had spine and neck surgery.

When we first arrived, the restaurant was quiet and almost empty because it was before the dinner hour. But all of a sudden, employees came out of the wood work and began setting tables and preparing for the rush.

This young woman had a HANDFULL of glasses. I saw her inspecting each one (I guess for water marks).

David and I both, had Parisean Chicken and it was so good.

I went to the restroom while I was there and look! They have mouthwash in the restroom!

We ask for "to go" boxes and they brought them out in this tote. I thought that was a nice touch.

Oh, what we'll put up with for a nice meal!!
